Vestingen REMONDIS Maintenance & Services

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Vestingen REMONDIS Maintenance & Services

Vestigingen REMONDIS

Ontdek de wereld van REMONDIS met circa 800 vestigingen en coöperaties in meer dan 30 landen in Europa, Afrika, Azië en Australië.

Vestigingen REMONDIS wereldwijd

EcoVadis Rating 2023

The improved result compared to the previous year confirms our day-to-day commitment

In our core business, we actively work to enable our customers to operate more energy-efficiently, conserve resources, and operate more safely. Our goal is to create added value - for the climate and the environment, for customers and society, and for our companies.

We are therefore all the more pleased to have once again exceeded our EcoVadis result of previous years. 

EcoVadis is a global leader in sustainability business assessments. Our assessments focus on environmental issues, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

Our group of companies has already been certified by EcoVadis since 2015, and we have achieved silver status every year since 2017. This puts us in the top group of industrial service providers. Our ambition is to improve every year and contribute to a sustainable economy.

REMONDIS Maintenance & Services GmbH & Co. KG