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Expansion in Scandinavia

In recent years, the RMS Group has successfully expanded its activities in the Scandinavian market and gained considerable momentum in the area

XERVON is now well represented in Finland, Norway and Sweden and is focussing on continuous growth. With over 20 years of experience in the region, the company benefits from the numerous similarities these markets bear to the German market, helping it to strategically expand its core business. Through various takeovers, the company’s stock of vehicles, equipment and scaffolding materials has been expanded, and a large number of new specialists have joined the team.

The following timeline shows the individual stages of this growth over the last four years:

In 2020, the RMS Group acquired Swedish scaffolding company AC Ställningsmontage, which operates in the industrial sector. This company was integrated into XERVON Sweden, allowing the expansion of activities in the Stockholm region, which were previously focussed on the construction industry.

The Veolia Recycling Solutions Nordic AB division, which specialises in industrial cleaning, has also been part of the group since 2021. By changing its name to BUCHEN Sweden, the company has established itself as a provider of industrial cleaning on the Scandinavian market. By changing its name to BUCHEN Sweden, the RMS Group has established itself as a provider of industrial cleaning on the Scandinavian market. Almost 300 vehicles and devices were added to the fleet and around 400 new employees were integrated. In addition, the Group continued to grow in the scaffolding segment in Scandinavia. In Sweden, the Group acquired the companies Optimal Byggställning i Dalarna and IBS Byggnadsställningar, expanding the team by around 130 employees and adding around 4,000 tonnes of scaffolding material. Both companies were integrated into XERVON Sweden. Activities in Norway were also expanded through the acquisition of the company Mesa and its integration into XERVON Norway. This step brought in around 50 new employees, while boosting the company's core business in façade scaffolding construction.

Because of this strong growth, particularly in Sweden, the Group needed to establish an independent service company for the BUCHEN and XERVON operating units. REMONDIS Maintenance & Services Sweden was therefore founded in 2022 to act as a shareholder and service company for the group of companies in Sweden. It offers support services in the areas of controlling, legal, finance and accounting, IT/organisation, purchasing and human resources.

In 2023, the company BERGNÄSET Ställningsmontage was integrated into the Group. This takeover expanded the scaffolding segment by around 270 employees and added around 7,000 tonnes of scaffolding material. This has further strengthened the Group's core business and expanded their market presence in the north of Sweden, allowing the Group to offer scaffolding services throughout the entire country. The takeover of the DELETE Group in Finland and Sweden made it possible to merge the activities of Sweden's largest industrial cleaning service providers, BUCHEN and DELETE, as well as expand them to Finland. The team added around 650 employees and about 280 vehicles and pieces of equipment.

The RMS Group was strengthened by the acquisitions in Scandinavia:

Around 1,500 new employees Almost 15,000 tonnes of scaffolding material Around 580 vehicles and equipment

Our projects in Scandinavia

Construction City: Modern construction project with pioneering scaffolding technology

With an area of 103,000 square metres Construction City is one of the largest building projects in Norway. XERVON Norway played a central role, especially in the planning and realisation of complex scaffolding solutions.

International cooperation in the Turnaround of Neste

For the 2024 turnaround of the Neste refinery in Porvoo, the companies DELETE Finland and BUCHEN Industrial Services Baltikum worked together for the first time and jointly mastered cleaning and mechanical work.

Water jets on the Tallbergsbroarna - precision for a national cultural heritage site

The renovation of the impressive Tallbergsbroarna, one of the longest concrete bridges in Europe for standard-gauge railways, poses high requirements. BUCHEN Sweden is taking on the latest water jet technology to remove the surface layer of the edge beam.

Jürgen Lennertz

Chief Executive Officer
REMONDIS Maintenance & Services
Sweden AB

Henrik Löfgren

Chief Executive Officer
BERGNÄSET Ställningsmontage AB,

Christer Hedberg

Chief Executive Officer


Catarina Parkkonen

Chief Financial Officer 
REMONDIS Maintenance & Services 
Sweden AB

Morten Heftoy

Chief Executive Officer

Stefan Geiger

Chief Financial Officer 

Markku Salminen

Chief Executive Officer

Oskari Jauhiainen

Chief Financial Officer 

REMONDIS Maintenance & Services GmbH & Co. KG